Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Musikkens hemmelighed. - En metode til analyse af improvisationer.

Author(s): Vinther, Mia

Abstract: We seek to develop a phenomenological method to analyze improvisations from music therapy sessions. We wish to use this method in clinical practice as a tool in the assessment and evaluation process; therefore the method has to have a mmageable timetable. In particular, we are interested in discovering what an improvisation can tell us about the lifeworld of the client, especially the partb of the lifeworld that relates to the client's relation to him/herself and others. In Part I we define our preliminary knowledge from a metatheoretical viewpoint to our own definition of concepts like: phenomenology, existentialism, lifeworld, interpretation, music therapy, the role of music, the attitude of the therapist etc. In Part II we develop our method based on our preliminary knowledge and other relevant methods. We test our model on two unknown MT imprvisations, selected by our supervisor from Gary Ansdell's CD "Music for Life". The follows a redefiniton and evaluation of our method based on a comparison with the material written about the improvisation by Ansdell himself. In Part III we conclude that we succeeded in developing a phenomenological hermeneutic method for analyzing improvisations. However we discovered that the method did not have a manageable timetable, and therefor ew e suggest that the method is used for 1/2 year assessment and evaluation. The method could also be suitable for research purposes. The method provides a holistic picture of the client and his lifeworld. It is possible to gain knowledge about the emotional condition of the client and his relationship to himself and others and to assess psychological themes relevant to the therapy through the client's musical expression. Problemformulering: Vi øsnker med dette projekt at finde frem til en fænomenologisk analysemetode, som vi i vort kommende arbejde som musikterapeuter skal kunne bruge til analyse af improvisationer fra MT sessionerne. Vi tænker, at denne metode primært vil have et klinisk formål, idet den vil kunne bruges til løbende vurdering og evaluering af MT improvisationerne. dette bivriker, at den skal kunne bruges inden for en overskuelig tidsramme. Metoden vil som udgangspunkt bygge på vores egen forståelse og definition af de for os vigtigste begreber fra den eksistentialistiske, fænomenologiske tankegang. Vi er interesserede i at finde ud af, havd en improvisation kan sige om klientens livsverden. Den del af menneskets livsverden, vi her er interesserede i, er primært den følelsesmæssige del, der handler om menneskets forhold til sig selv og andre.

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