Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Følelser i musikterapi. - Hvilken rolle spiller de?

Abstract: "This report was made under the theme: Musictherapytheory and -research, as an 8th semester project at the Music-Therapy education at Aalborg University. The aim of the report is to provide insight for the author in the process of the project, about the role of emotions in musiv therapy, especiallly the authors own music therapy direction; the psychodynamic approach. To pursue this aim, the author goes behind the question; "What is emotions" in Chapter 1, and continues in Cahpter 2 with the question; "What is emotional disorder, and what is causing them?". He limits the discussion about treatment to "emotionally confused" clients, in Chapter 3, however. The report bases the knowledge on literature, especially on Daniel Goleman's book; "Emotional Intelligence", which gives some new clues to the understanding of emotions, based on some resent findings in the neurologic field of research. Based om this knowledge, the author then discusses, whether this new insights into emotions, would modify the approach to the role of feelings in his music terapy approach. The author the formulates a hypothesis based on the discussions, and gives succestions to reserach designs. The author concludes, that basically his music therapy approach is handling emotions in an appropriate way in relation to Goleman's theories, but an integration of the new understanding of the nature of emotions would prevent misunderstandings and benefit his theoretical bais. The project has fulfilled the requests, that was asked for in the introduction." problemformulering: "Jeg ønsker at undersøge fænomenet følelser med henblik på at diskutere disse rolle i min egen musikterapeutiske metode. Dette gøres med det mål for øje at blive mere afklaret på, hvordan jeg som terapeut skal froholde mig til mine kommende klienters følelsesliv. Jeg vil ligeledes basere min undersøgelse på de i indledningen opstillede spørgsmål, udfra den opstillede afgrænsning for projektet."

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