The ''Fragebogen (questionnaire) zu dissoziativen Symptomen (FDS)'': German adaption, reliability, and validity of the American ''Dissociative Experience Scale (DES)'' |
, , , ,Journal/Book: Psychother Psychosom Med Psyc. 1998; 48: P O Box 30 11 20, D-70451 Stuttgart, Germany. Georg Thieme Verlag. 223-229.
Abstract: The ''Fragebogen zu dissoziativen Symptomen (FDS)'' represents the authorised German translation and adaptation of the ''Dissociative Experience Scale'' (DES: Bernstein and Putnam 1986). The original scale comprises 28 items covering dissociative experiences with regard to memory, identity, awareness and cognition according to DSM-III-R and DSM-IV. For the German version, 16 items were added to cover dissociative phenomena according to ICD-10, mainly pseudoneurological conversion symptoms. Reliability and validity of the German version were studied in a total sample of 813 persons and were compared to the results of the original version. Test-retest reliability of the FDS was r(tt)=0.88 and Cronbach's consistency coefficient was alpha=0.93, which is comparable to the results of the DES. The instrument differentiates between different samples (healthy control subjects, students, unselected neurological and psychiatric inpatients, neurological and psychiatric patients with a dissociative disorder and schizophrenics). The FDS is an easily applicable, reliable and valid measure to quantify dissociative experiences.
Note: Article Freyberger HJ, Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms Universitat Bonn, Klin & Poliklin Psychiat & Psychotherapie, D-53105 Bonn, GERMANY
Keyword(s): dissociation; dissociative disorders; self-report measure; Dissociative Experience Scale (DES); MULTIPLE PERSONALITY-DISORDER; HYPNOTIZABILITY; HYSTERIA
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