Preventing suicide by influencing mass-media reporting. The Viennese experience 1980-1996 |
Journal/Book: Arch Suicide Res. 1998; 4: Spuiboulevard 50, PO Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, Netherlands. Kluwer Academic Publ. 67-74.
Abstract: This paper reports a field experiment concerning mass-media and suicide. After the implementation of the subway system in Vienna in 1978, it became increasingly acceptable as means to commit suicide, with the suicide rates showing a sharp increase. This and the fact that the mass-media reported about these events in a very dramatic way, lead to the formation of a study-group of the Austrian Association for Suicide Prevention (OVSKK), which developed media guidelines and launched a media campaign in mid-1987. Subsequently, the media reports changed markedly and the number of subway-suicides and -attempts dropped more than 80% from the first to the second half of 1987, remaining at a rather low level since. Conclusions regarding the possible reduction of imitative suicidal behaviour by influencing mass-media-reports are drawn. Experiences from the media campaign are presented, as well as considerations about further research.
Note: Article Etzersdorfer E, Univ Vienna, Clin Psychoanal & Psychotherapy, Wahringer Gurtel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
Keyword(s): imitation; suicide; mass-media; prevention; Werther effect; TELEVISION-NEWS STORIES; TEENAGE SUICIDES; IDENTIFICATION; IMITATION; FILMS
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