Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Where does weather come from? A response to ''Behavioural disorders: A postmodern perspective''

Journal/Book: Behav Disorders. 1998; 23: 1920 Association Dr, Reston, VA 22091-1589. Council Children Behavioral Disorders. 160-165.

Abstract: One of the positions of postmodern thought is that there are no overriding theories that explain the world or specific phenomena in the world. David Elkind expands on this idea in discussing behavioral disorders. This response to Elkind proposes three possible metanarratives that could be useful in thinking about behavioral disorders: democracy, spirituality, and the notions of Nick Hobbs. These narratives are described as universal-ideas and notions about which the majority of people who think about them could reach consensus. What postmodern thinking has provided us is the gift of different voices and different ideas. We should welcome these ideas but never give up evaluating them or trying to find overarching narratives that can guide our work.

Note: Article Edgar E, Univ Washington, Coll Educ, Seattle,WA 98195 USA

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