Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Postmodernism and brief treatment: A more inclusive model

Journal/Book: Crisis Interv Time Ltd Treat. 1998; 4: C/O Stbs Ltd, PO Box 90, Reading, Berks, England Rg1 8Jl. Harwood Acad Publ Gmbh. 101-112.

Abstract: New models of brief treatment have evolved as part of the shift to a postmodern orientation in the mental health field. Under the impact of managed care, very brief time limits are often mandated making constructivist/narrative approaches, which are usually short in duration, popular and ubiquitous. A close examination of case examples of the new models reveals certain potentially limiting features. There tends to be no exploration of clients' affect including, feelings about the therapeutic relationship and feelings about the process of change, In contrast, many of the originators of early models of brief-treatment saw affect as central to the therapeutic process. In this article the author recommends an expectant stance toward affect that is consistent with a postmodern orientation. The author further argues that it is possible to attend to clients' feelings without repeating hierarchical and objectifying tendencies of more traditional models.

Note: Article Dean RG, Simmons Coll, Sch Social Work, 51 Commonwealth Ave, Boston,MA 02116 USA

Keyword(s): postmodernism; brief treatment; time-limited treatment; constructivism; managed care; narrative approach

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