Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Low-narrativity narratives and argumentation

Journal/Book: Narrat Inq. 1998; 8: PO Box 75577 Subscriptions Dept, 1070 an Amsterdam, Netherlands. John Benjamins B V Publ. 287-317.

Abstract: Two types of conversational narratives are examined in a corpus of interviews with Salvadoran immigrants who live in Washington, D.C. On the one hand, narrative sequences of counterfactual or hypothetical events position the virtual as opposed to or in comparison with the actual and, in doing so, they convey the narrator's commentary and perspective. On the other hand, narrative sequences of repeated or habitual events create the effect of a static, self-contained picture of the past and can be used to present experience as generalized and common. Both types of sequences are characterized as resources for argumentation. It is shown how recourse to irreality takes place to back a claim and how looking at the past from the past makes the storyteller's perspective relatively immune to challenge. The sociohistorical conditions of the events recounted in the data provide the basis for the view of the immigration and integration experiences presented in this paper.

Note: Article Carranza IE, Univ Nacl Cordoba, Dept Linguist, Ituzaingo 1287, RA-5000 Cordoba, ARGENTINA

Keyword(s): discourse analysis; linguistic anthropology

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