Pharmacodynamic Effects of Very High Dilutions of Belladonna on the Isolated Rat Duodenum |
,Abstract: Using a classical in vitro method, we studied the pharmacodynamic action of aqueous solutions of Belladonna 10-2 -10-400 or (1C-200C) either manually succussed (S) according to the procedure described by Hahnemann, or not succussed (NS) on the isolated rat duodenum mounted in a 20-ml bath of oxygenated Tyrode's solution. We tested 0.2 ml of each dilution. We recorded the effect of the test solutions on the normal tonus as well as antagonizing the spasm ind cordance with the identity principle. Based on these data, we concluded that the biological information in the S solutions is different from that in the NS solutions.
Note: also in: Proc GIRI 5: 26-27, 1991 (abstract)
Keyword(s): hom. br. exp. anim. belladonna.
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