Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

The family album

Author(s): Yedidya, T.

Journal/Book: Amer J Fam Ther. 1997; 25: 19 Union Square West, New York, NY 10003. Brunner/Mazel Inc. 261-269.

Abstract: This article introduces a creative diagnostic tool, developed and clinically applied by the authors in individual, marital, and family therapy. The fool is based on the clients' creation of a family album in the form of a collage, and it enables the therapist to touch the inner (intrapsychic) theater of the client, as well as to understand the interpersonal theater. The tool enables the therapist to bypass clients' censorship and opposition by building a direct bridge into the clients' unconscious world, thus creating a diagnostic and therapeutic shortcut. The family-of-origin album relates to the clients' perceptions of their three cycles of relationship: perception of the interaction with the parental figures in their lives (Internalized figures); the real, concrete relationship with the parents and siblings; and the projective relationship with the spouse and children.

Note: Article Yerushalmi H, 2 Achi Dakar St, IL-46702 Herzliyya, ISRAEL

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