Cultural psychology and the art of life: Some thoughts on the work of Ernst E. Boesch |
Journal/Book: Cult Psychol. 1997; 3: 6 Bonhill Street, London, England EC2A 4PU. Sage Publications Ltd. 299-314.
Abstract: The goal of this commentary is to explore what Ernst Boesch's thinking has to offer to succeeding generations of psychologists and to ask where current psychological theory building suggests potentially fruitful complementation. To reach these two goals first some of the central features of Boesch's approach to psychology are highlighted. Second, research examples from current psychological research are presented which can be related to Boesch's thinking. Third, it is argued that psychological research is still very hesitant to approach psychological phenomena rich in connotation and with immediate relevance to our lives. Two examples from my own work are presented that try to tackle complex phenomena such as wisdom and a psychological attempt at an art of life. Finally, the aesthetic aspect of Boesch's work is presented and discussed with regard to its epistemological relevance for psychological theory building.
Note: Article Staudinger UM, Max Planck Inst Bildungsforsch, Lentzeallee 94, D-14195 Berlin, GERMANY
Keyword(s): action theory; aesthetics; art of life; cultural psychology; methodological pluralism; wisdom; WISDOM-RELATED KNOWLEDGE; SPAN DEVELOPMENTAL-PSYCHOLOGY; AGE
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