Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Female adolescents, the experience of violence, and the meaning of the body

Journal/Book: Clin Soc Work J. 1997; 25: 233 Spring St, New York, NY 10013-1578. Human Sci Press Inc. 281-296.

Abstract: Female adolescents who have experienced violence often struggle to maintain a sense of agency and control over their own bodies-bodies that have been objectified through direct physical assault. In order to understand more fully the impact of direct violence on the meaning of the body for female adolescents, the author discusses normative aspects of the meaning of the body and their relationship to the developmental processes of individuation and connectedness as well as subjectivity and objectivity. Case vignettes are used to explore the intersection of violence and the meaning and use of the body for female adolescents. Implications for intervention are proposed.

Note: Article Springer C, NYU, Shirley M Ehrenkranz Sch Social Work, 1 Washington Sq N, Room 308, New York,NY 10003 USA

Keyword(s): female adolescents; violence; body; individuation; connectedness; POSTTRAUMATIC-STRESS-DISORDER; COMMUNITY POPULATION; OLDER ADOLESCENTS; SYMPTOMS; TRAUMA

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