To what extent do hypnotherapeutic metaphors retain general working principles of psychotherapy - Computer-assisted content analysis of hypnotherapeutic metaphors |
Journal/Book: Z Klin Psychol Psychiatr Psyc. 1997; 45: Postfach 2540, W-4790 Paderborn, Germany. Verlag Ferdinand Schoningh. 196-213.
Abstract: 83 hypnotherapeutic metaphors (Lankton & Lankton, 1994) were analysed with regard to Grawe's (1994) General Working Principles (GWP). For this purpose a computational text analysis (cta) was carried out (TEXTPACK, Version V for PC's) to develop a content analytic dictionary. It was developed in three steps: textanalysis of publications with reference to the GWP to establish GWP-criterions searching for synonyms construction of a valid keyword-in-context data file A coefficient of validity of .97 shows that the so developed content analytic dictionary was a useable base for a content analytic survey. Items of the GWP ''active help for coping with the problem'' were most frequently represented Items of the GWP ''real experiencing of what is to be changed'' were rarely represented at all in the metaphors. Grawe postulates an elucidatory and a coping perspective of the four GWP. A principal components analysis was carried out to test this subdivision. However, the postulated structure could not be found in the Lankton & Lankton metaphors.
Note: Article Scholz OB, Univ Bonn, Inst Psychol, Romerstr 164, D-53117 Bonn, GERMANY
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