LIGHTNING strikes: A correlational study of the gesturo-musical responses of in-patients with acute manic or depressive symptomatology using the LIGHTNING module |
Journal/Book: J Music Therapy. 1997; 34: 8455 Colesville Rd, Ste 1000, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Natl Assoc Music Therapy Inc. 260-276.
Abstract: Research into gesturo-musical response is an innovative approach to diagnosis and treatment of mentally ill patients. This research utilizes a new class of musical instruments activated by patient movements. The LIGHTNING module, a specialized Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) controller, which translates gesture into music by creating infrared zones in a three-dimensional space was used in this study. The purpose of the study was to measure the gesturo-musical responses of 44 adult in-patients [22 manic subjects, 22 depressed subjects] using the LIGHTNING protocol, a music therapy improvisational experience. Patient gestures were analyzed via computer using the LIGHTNING Display program, which mapped composite images of patient improvisations on an x/y plane over a P-minute period. Results showed statistically significant interdiagnostic correlations at the p < .01 level with regard to four dependent variables: file size, mean velocity, zone use, and zonal spikes.
Note: Article Reilly JF, 1010 Weller Ave, Havertown,PA 19083 USA
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