Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Event-related potentials in COA's

Author(s): Begleiter, H.

Journal/Book: Alcohol Health Res World. 1997; 21: 6000 Executive Blvd, Rockville, MD 20892-7003. Natl Inst Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism. 236-240.

Abstract: Evidence suggests that people at risk for developing alcoholism can be distinguished from those not at risk by measuring the electrical activity of the brain. Event-related potentials (ERP's) are brain electrical signals produced in response to specific sensory stimuli. Reduced voltage of an ERP called P300, or P3, appears to characterize offspring of alcoholic families, regardless of whether the offspring are themselves alcoholic. Reduced P3 may indicate susceptibility to alcoholism and may elucidate mechanisms of alcohol's effects on the nervous system.

Note: Article Porjesz B, SUNY Hlth Sci Ctr, Dept Psychiat, Brooklyn,NY 11203 USA

Keyword(s): children of alcoholics; evoked potential; brainwaves; hereditary factors; genetic markers; AOD use susceptibility; Cloninger's typology; risk assessment; nervous system; literature review; P300 AMPLITUDE; ALCOHOLISM; RISK; BOYS; CHILDREN; FAMILIES; BRAIN; SONS

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