Dissertation quality and Kerlinger's Methods Myth |
Journal/Book: J Exp Educ. 1997; 65: 1319 Eighteenth St NW, Washington, DC 20036-1802. Heldref Publications. 113-122.
Abstract: In 1960, Fred N. Kerlinger proposed that educational research embrace a methods myth regarding the rationale, purpose, and methods of educational research, In this article, the context in which Kerlinger developed his perspectives on educational research, his perceptions of mythology in educational research, and the importance of the methods myth for education dissertations are explored. The authors also posit that underlying Kerlinger's methods myth are two other myths associated with the dissertation: scholarship and quality, Following the discussion of these myths are cautious recommendations for the dissertation research preparation of graduate students in education.
Note: Review Ponticell JA, Texas Tech Univ, Lubbock,TX 79409 USA
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