Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Farming the forest edge: Vulnerable places and people around Kibale National Park, Uganda

Journal/Book: Geogr Rev. 1997; 87: 120 Wall St, Ste 100, New York, NY 10005. Amer Geographical Soc. 27-46.

Abstract: Subsistence farmers near Kibale National Park, Uganda, fear and resent many wildlife species. In this article I compare records of crop damage by wildlife and livestock with local complaints about the worst animals and the most vulnerable crops. I discuss the concordance and discrepancies in complaints versus actual damage in light of physical parameters of risk and of social factors that shape perceptions and vulnerabilities. Crop losses were greatest at the edge of the forest, where immigrants are disproportionately represented. State proprietorship of wildlife amplifies local vulnerability and constrains traditional coping strategies, such as hunting.

Note: Article NaughtonTreves L, Univ Wisconsin, Madison,WI 53706 USA

Keyword(s): East Africa; risk perception; Uganda; wildlife conservation; WILDLIFE UTILIZATION

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