Lawful possession: A constructionist approach to jealousy stories |
, , ,Journal/Book: New Idea Psychol. 1997; 15: The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, England OX5 1GB. Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd. 71-81.
Abstract: Traditional approaches to jealousy have treated the emotion as unitary and individual. In the present paper, we construe jealousy as an embodiment of multiple, often conflicting, social judgements which are discursively constituted. Our project aims to apply constructionist theory to an;empirical investigation of jealousy stories. Data from 32 storytellers was analyzed using a ''positioning triad.'' This ''triad'' includes the storyline through which the episode is unfolded, the positions of persons involved in the story, and the social acts performed. We classify each story according to three narrative forms (progressive, regressive, stable) and identify three positions which are crucial to the resolution of the storyline (victim, avenger and outsider positions). We also describe the conflicting rights and judgements of the different positions. In conclusion, we discuss the problems we encountered in our project and the difficulties of conducting empirical research based on constructionism.
Note: Article Morgan M, Massey Univ, Dept Psychol, Palmerston North, NEW ZEALAND
Keyword(s): jealousy; emotion; discourse; narrative; social construction; PSYCHOLOGY
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