Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Combination audio/visual self-prompting system for teaching chained tasks to students with intellectual disabilities

Author(s): Gast, D. L.

Journal/Book: Educ Train Ment Ret Dev Dis. 1997; 32: 1920 Association Dr, Reston, VA 22091-1589. Council Exceptional Children. 138-153.

Abstract: This study evaluates the use of a combination audio and visual prompting system to increase independent task completion by students with moderate intellectual disabilities. The prompting system involved the use of a currently available, electronic, augmentative communication device which employs the use of picture overlays and recorded speech for both visual and auditory prompting and feed-back to the listener. Four children, 10-13 years of age, diagnosed with moderate intellectual disabilities served as study participants. An A-B-A-B (withdrawal) design, replicated across two behaviors and four subjects, was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the auditory-picture prompting system on the number of steps of a chained task performed independently. Results indicate that a substantial difference in performance existed when the self-prompting device was used.

Note: Article Mechling LC, 526 St Charles Ave NE, Atlanta,GA 30308 USA


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