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December 2024

Consultations for research in suicidology

Author(s): DeLeo, D., Diekstra, R. F. W., Goldney, R. D., Kelleher, M. J., Lester, D., Nordstrom, P.

Journal/Book: Arch Suicide Res. 1997; 3: Spuiboulevard 50, PO Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, Netherlands. Kluwer Academic Publ. 139-151.

Abstract: Science means research. Current research in suicidology, however, needs development. Therefore, a task force was established by the International Academy for Suicide Research (IASR) to make recommendations for future study of suicide. These consultations are offered only as current thoughts to assist, not only in research, but also to aid in preventing suicide.

Note: Article Leenaars AA, 880 Ouellette Ave, Suite 806, Windsor, ON N9A 1C7, CANADA

Keyword(s): suicidology; research; recommendations; PREVENTION; LETHALITY

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