Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

The creative mode of being

Author(s): Colman, J.

Journal/Book: J Creative Behav. 1997; 31: 1050 Union Rd, Buffalo, NY 14224. Creative Education Foundation Inc. 212-226.

Abstract: Because of misperceptions about the nature of creativity, many creative children are misunderstood in and out. Of their classrooms. Based on a close association with creative adults and childrenn, the authors postulate that creativity is a state of being that is challenged by the socialization process in Western civilization. The authors envisage two differing states of being namely, an essential and a conventional. These states represent end paints on a continuum, Creative adults speak of their struggle to try and regain something of their original state of being, Understanding creative children who are closer to the essential state is important For their emotional well-being and the nurturing of their creativity.

Note: Article Kokot SJ, Univ S Africa, Dept Educ Psychol, POB 392, ZA-0001 Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA


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