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January 2025

Therapists' consistency in following their treatment plans for sensory integrative and perceptual-motor therapy

Author(s): Snider, L., McDougall, B.

Journal/Book: Amer J Occup Ther. 1997; 51: 1383 Piccard Drive, PO Box 1725, Rockville, MD 20850-4375. Amer Occupation Therapy Assn. 104-112.

Abstract: Objectives. Treatment integrity is concerned with whether treatment conditions as provided are consistent with specifications for the treatment Therapists' consistency in following their treatment plans that called for the use of sensory integrative and perceptual-motor techniques was evaluated Method. Three occupational therapists were rated on their consistency in 46 sessions each of sensory integrative and perceptual-motor therapy Ratings were made both earlier (I month) and later (4 months) in treatment Consistency was rated with a five-point scale for 10 categories of the treatment plans. Results. Overall consistency did not differ significantly (86% for sensory integrative techniques and 79% for perceptual-motor techniques). Perceptual-motor activities showed less consistency early in treatment but approached the level for sensory integrative techniques by later treatment sessions. Consistency differed significantly among therapists for sensory integrative activities that addressed tactile defensiveness and perceptual-motor activities associated with fine coordination and dexterity. Conclusion. Despite the less structured, more child-centered nature of sensory integrative techniques, consistency in using these techniques was as high as that found for more scripted, program-centered perceptual-motor techniques. Therapists reported that gaining the interest and attention of some children with the more structured perceptual-motor activities was more difficult early in treatment but could be achieved with time. Differences in consistency among therapists require verification with a larger sample.

Note: Article Humphries TW, Univ Toronto, Ontario Inst Studies Educ, Dept Paediat, 555 Univ Ave, Toronto, ON M5G 1X8, CANADA

Keyword(s): clinical competence; methods, occupational therapy; modalities, occupational therapy; CHILDREN

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