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Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Anger, suicidal ideation, and attempted suicide: A prospective study

Author(s): Winefield, A., Saebel, J., Winefield, H., Tiggeman, M.

Journal/Book: Compr Psychiat. 1997; 38: Independence Square West, Curtis Center, Ste 300, Philadelphia, PA 19106-3399. W B Saunders Co. 264-268.

Abstract: Anger, aggression, or hostility, or an emotional state consistent with these terms, has been accepted as being of fundamental importance to our understanding of suicidal behavior. However, the presumed association has not been investigated thoroughly in prospective studies. The results of the present 8-year longitudinal examination of anger with oneself and with society and its relationship to emerging suicidal ideation and attempted suicide in adolescents entering adulthood provide, at best, only equivocal support for such an association.

Note: Article Goldney R, Adelaide Clin, Dept Psychiat, 33 Pk Terrace, Gilberton, SA 5081, AUSTRALIA

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