Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Nietzsche and the premodernist critique of postmodernity

Journal/Book: Crit Rev. 1997; 11: PO Box 10, Newtown, CT 06470-0010. Critical Review Foundation. 537-554.

Abstract: The crisis of modern reason culminates in Nietzsche's proclamation of nihilism. Drawing upon Nietzsche, postmodernists suggest that reason itself is defective, while ''premodernists'' argue we can regain our balance by returning to premodern rationalism. Peter Berkowitz suggest.;, however, that Nietzsche is a contradictory thinker who fails in his attempt to combine ancient rationalism with modern voluntarism. Postmodernism thus vests upon a defective foundation. Berkowitz's critique of postmodernism is telling, bu: he does not recognize dangerous millenarian elements in Nietzsche's thought. Moreover, the concept of ancient reason he holds tip as an alternative is under-developed and undifferentiated.

Note: Article Gillespie MA, Duke Univ, Box 90204, Durham,NC 27708 USA

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