Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Adaptationism, mental health, and therapeutic outcome

Journal/Book: Psychotherapy. 1997; 34: 3900 E Camelback Rd #200, Phoenix, AZ 85018. Amer Psychological Assoc, Div Psychotherapy. 107-114.

Abstract: Common views of psychotherapy and mental health regard improved ego adaptation as the predominant outcome goal for therapy. These views originate in the individualism of major models of personality and in the individualistic and secular biases of modern Western culture. Because of its commitment to the self-interested ego as the ultimate unit of analysis, the adaptationist model has made it difficult for psychotherapy to respond to some of the major sources of mental disorder today: isolation, meaninglessness, and the depersonalization of self and others. Therapy must make a special effort to attend and respond to the person's ethical participation in constitutive relationships of several kinds.

Note: Article Garrison A, Miami Univ, Sch Interdisciplinary Studies, Western Coll Program, Oxford,OH 45056 USA

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