Self-medication, traumatic reenactment, and somatic expression in bulimic and self-mutilating behavior |
Journal/Book: Clin Soc Work J. 1997; 25: 233 Spring St, New York, NY 10013-1578. Human Sci Press Inc. 87-106.
Abstract: A psychoanalytic framework provided direction for research on the association between binge-purging (bulimic) and self-mutilating behaviors, comparing them for similarities and differences. The similarities in the multiple functions and psychosomatic processes served by these behaviors are presented, as well as the phenomenon of symptom substitution. Both behaviors tend to be practiced by those with severe personality and dissociative disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder. Both serve ego-compensatory needs in the absence of the adequate ability to regulate and modulate emotions, moods, and tensions. They may serve as compensatory attempts to differentiate self and object, define and differentiate body boundaries, master severe childhood trauma by means of psychophysiological addictive reenactments, and to express emotion.
Note: Article Farber SK, 142 Edgars Lane, Hastings on Hudson,NY 10706 USA
Keyword(s): bulimia; self-mutilation; addiction; trauma; symptom substitution; EATING DISORDERS; ANOREXIA-NERVOSA; HARM SYNDROME; BODY-IMAGE; WOMEN
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