Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Changes in marital satisfaction and coping during the transition to parenthood: A review of current studies

Journal/Book: Psychol Erzieh Unterricht. 1997; 44: Kemnatenstrasse 46, D-80639 Munich 19, Germany. Ernst Reinhardt GmbH Co Verlag. 256-275.

Abstract: Normative transitions in the life cycle challenge the adaptation resources of individuals. This review focuses on empirical findings of the last fifteen years and gives an overview on changes in the transition to parenthood, especially in marital satisfaction. Changes in partnership quality are moderated by variables like expectancy processes concerning the division of tasks and roles, as well as the experience of injustice in the intimate relationship. Experienced strain and employed coping strategies are discussed in consideration of the contribution of transactional stress and coping theory.

Note: Review ElGiamal M, Univ Mainz, Inst Psychol, ABT Personlichkeitspsychol, D-55099 Mainz, GERMANY

Keyword(s): review of literature; normative transition; transition to parenthood; first-time parenthood; marital satisfaction; strain; stress; coping; adaptation; FAMILY LIFE-CYCLE; VIOLATED EXPECTATIONS; MARRIAGE; STABILITY; STRESS; PARTNERSHIP; CHILD; EXPECTANCY; ADJUSTMENT; PREDICTORS

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