Creativity in three samples of photographers: A validation of the adjective check list creativity scale |
Journal/Book: Creativity Res J. 1997; 10: 10 Industrial Ave, Mahwah, NJ 07430-2262. Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc Inc. 193-200.
Abstract: The creativity of photographers was investigated in three samples: photography students (n = 17), neophyte photographers (n = 46), and experienced photographers (n = 49). All participants completed the Adjective Check List (A CL), scored for Domino's creativity (Cr) scale; these scores were correlated with various indexes of creativity, including self-and peer-ratings, ratings of portfolios, and course grades. The findings support the validity of the ACL Cr scale as a measure of creativity.
Note: Article Domino G, Univ Arizona, Dept Psychol, Tucson,AZ 85721 USA
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