Prevalence and correlates of heavy smoking in Vietnam veterans with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder |
, , , , , ,Journal/Book: Addict Behav. 1997; 22: The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, England OX5 1GB. Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd. 637-647.
Abstract: A study was conducted to investigate smoking patterns in 445 Vietnam veterans with and without posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Combat veterans with PTSD reported similar occurrence of smoking (53%) compared to combat veterans without PTSD (45%). For those who smoked, combat veterans with PTSD reported a significantly higher rate of heavy smoking (greater than or equal to 25 cigarettes daily): 28% of combat veterans without PTSD, were heavy smokers and 45% of combat veterans with PTSD were heavy smokers. PTSD diagnosis and heavy smoking status were independently and differentially related to motives for smoking. In combat veterans with PTSD, heavy smoking status was positively related to total health complaints, lifetime health complaints, health complaints in the past year, negative health behaviors, total PTSD symptoms, DSM-IV C cluster (avoidance and numbing) and D cluster (hyperarousal) PTSD symptoms. Heavy smoking status was also associated with fewer positive health behaviors.
Note: Article Beckham JC, Vamc, 508 Fulton St, 116B, Durham,NC 27705 USA
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