Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Precipitating factors and life events in serious suicide attempts among youths aged 13 through 24 years

Author(s): Joyce, P. R., Mulder, R. T.

Journal/Book: J Amer Acad Child Adolesc Psy. 1997; 36: 351 West Camden St, Baltimore, MD 21201-2436. Williams & Wilkins. 1543-1551.

Abstract: Objective: Precipitating factors and life events associated with medically serious suicide attempts were examined in young people making serious suicide attempts and control subjects. Method: Using a case-control design, the authors contrasted 129 young people making serious suicide attempts with 153 randomly selected community controls on a series of life event occurrences within the preceding year. Precipitating factors for serious suicide attempts were also examined. Results: The most common precipitants of serious suicide attempts were relationship breakdowns, other interpersonal problems, and financial difficulties. However, one third of those attempting suicide were unable to describe any precipitating factor. Individuals who made serious suicide attempts had elevated rates of life events which were associated principally with interpersonal difficulties, work issues, financial difficulties, and legal problems. When due allowance was made for intercorrelations between life event measures and antecedent social, family, and personality factors, interpersonal losses and conflicts and legal problems remained significant risk factors for serious suicide attempts. Conclusions: Important proximal occurrences for serious suicide attempts among young people include a series of life events associated principally with interpersonal conflicts, relationship difficulties, and legal problems.

Note: Article Beautrais AL, Christchurch Sch Med, Canterbury Suicide Project, POB 4345, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND

Keyword(s): serious suicide attempts; risk factors; youth; life events; precipitating factors; RISK-FACTORS; ADOLESCENTS; PERSONALITY; STRESSORS

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