Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Zink - wichtiges Element für den Sport

Abstract: In addition to the small group of top athletes, who are mostly well attended by sports physicians, there are numerous people who do leisure and popular sports and who practice regularly. The latter group is only rarely supervised by sports physicians. In case of more intensive training and one-sided nutrition, as it often happens with athletes, there is a risk of an inadequate provision with important micronutrients. The trace element zinc is especially important for the physical fitness. An increased physical strain leads, by a faster metabolic turnover and an increased sweat secretion to an increased loss of zinc, which is difficult to balance via nutrition. Due to the manifold physiologic functions, zinc has in the body, a zinc deficiency can result in different disturbances. Especially in the case of athletes, an impairment of the zinc-dependent immune defence results in an increased proneness to infections. In the case of female athletes, the effects of a zinc deficiency on the hormone balance leads to disturbances of the menstrual cycle.Several examinations have shown, that zinc substitution in athletes not only strengthens the immune function but it can also Attribute to an increased physical fitness.

Keyword(s): Zink

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