Directory of Databases for Research into Alternative and Complementary Medicine: An Update |
Abstract: The Directory of Databases with significant holdings of primarily bibliographic references to complementary and alternative medicine research resources has been compiled to facilitate access to the widely scattered data and literature. The Directory is directly accessible from the Web site of the Richard & Hinda Rosenthal Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at Columbia University's CPMCNet ( where it is kept regularly updated. General selection criteria and a brief description of content, access or contact details are given for each of the 56 databases. Thirty-six of the databases are available online over the Internet and of these, 17 are freely, publicly available. There are 13 search services and a further 8 databases available in a variety of formats. Following are some recent updates to supplement the written version of the Directory published in this journal (Wootton, 1997). The section numbering corresponds to the numbering in the original article and on the Columbia University Web site.
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