Max Wertheimer in New York: A tribute to the 50th anniversary of Productive Thinking (1945) |
Journal/Book: Psychol Rundsch. 1996; 47: Rohnsweg 25, D-37085 Gottingen, Germany. Hogrefe-Verlag GmbH & Co. 137-145.
Abstract: Contrary to common belief, Max Wertheimer (1880-1943) has worked on issues about productive (''creative'') thinking already since the beginning of his scientific career in Germany notwithstanding the fact that his seminal work Productive Thinking (1945) grew up only at his last period of life, in his Northamerican exile, and became published there only posthumously (edited by S. E. Asch, W. Kohler, and C. W. Mayer). The present article which is devoted to the 50th anniversary of Wertheimer's Productive Thinking emphasizes the biographical ramifications as to the life and work of this eminent scholar and philanthropist from a historiographic perspective. Also, in an epilogue, the reader is reminded that Max Wertheimer's genius work, due to the unfortunate events during those years, remained unfinished.
Note: Article V Sarris, Univ Frankfurt, Inst Psychol, Mertonstr 17, D-60054 Frankfurt, Germany
Keyword(s): gestalt psychology; productive thinking; visual thinking; Max Wertheimer; GESTALT PSYCHOLOGY; CRISIS
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