Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Musikk i fengsel og frihet

Journal/Book: Nordisk Tidsskrift for Musikkterapi. 1996; 5 (2): 113-118.

Abstract: Music in prison and freedom Over a period of five years a music therapy project has been carried out at Bredtveit prison and detention centre. The project's main aim is to improve the inmates' chances of mastering everyday life after served time. Each inmate is given the opportunity to play drums, bass, organ, guitar or to sing in groups or individually. The project works well within the prison, but problems often arise after the prison term is over. Without the support of a social network, a normal everyday routine can be hard to master. many former inmates have problems organizing their leisure time meaningfully, and some fall back on drug or alcohol abuse and crime. Musical activities, carefully planned to meet individual needs at all stages of the rehabilitation process, can be a springboard for a more constructive pastime. The participants' problems are many and complex, and they need to be followed up closely. Due to lack of funds, this phase of the project has so far not been given sufficient priority. Long-term planning and the definition of overall aims require the creation of a full-time position for the music therapist. This is essential if the Bredtveit music therapy project is to work successfully as a fully integrated process.

Note: Venja Ruud Nilsen er musikkterapeut og musiker. Hun har lang erfaring i å jobbe med tilrettelagt musikkundervisning. Hun har vært knyttet til Ullevålsveien skole i 15 år, hvorav 11 år som musikkpedagog/ musikkterapeut. Skolen er en spesialskole for elever med lese- og skrive vansker/sosioemosjonelle vansker. Venja har startet og drevet et musikkprosjekt ved Bredtveit fengsel- og sikringsanstalt i fem år. Hun har dessuten spilt i band i mange år og holdt flere kurs i rockemetodikk. Adr.: Schøningsgt. 12, 0362 Oslo, Norge. Tlf.: 22 60 16 17.

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