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Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Hearing results after posterior fossa vestibular neurectomy

Author(s): Silverstein, H., Hoffer, M. E., Thaler, E.

Journal/Book: Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1996; 114: 11830 Westline Industrial Dr, St Louis, MO 63146-3318. Mosby-Year Book Inc. 32-37.

Abstract: The effect of posterior fossa vestibular neurectomy on postoperative hearing levels of 172 patients was studied at 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, and 18 to 24 months, According to the 1985 American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery guidelines for reporting treatment outcome, 66% of patients had improved or unchanged hearing at 18 to 24 months, One-week postoperative hearing was poorer than at 1 month or later follow-up. Permanent profound hearing loss occurred in 4.7% of patients. In patients who had worse than 80 dB pure-tone average and 20% speech discrimination score hearing loss before surgery, 68% improved above this hearing level, and 16% improved to better than 50 dB pure-tone average and 50% speech discrimination after surgery, This suggests that it may be worthwhile to preserve the cochlear nerve in certain patients who may otherwise be candidates for labyrinthectomy, These hearing results are comparable with other treatment modalities including endolymphatic sac surgery.

Note: Article SI Rosenberg, Ear Res Fdn, 1901 Floyd St, Sarasota, FL 34239 USA


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