Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Ethics and the assessment of quality of life

Journal/Book: Irish J Psychol. 1996; 17: Trinity College, Dept Psychology, 25 Westland Row, Dublin 2, Ireland. Psychological Soc Ireland. 156-177.

Abstract: The topic of quality of life (QoL) has attracted substantial research in the past decade. In this period the development of measurement strategies has nor only been supported, but to a large extend driven, by those requiring the direct application of Endings. This is particularly true of QoL research as an aspect of health outcomes. Ethical considerations for QoL researchers in the health context are outlined. Two general questions are considered: when and what aspects of QoL are important in health settings and what psychosocial consequences follow for individuals from the investigation of their QoL? Many of the considerations raised relate to generic issues for research viith a range of psychosocial phenomena. Some particular issues pertain to the popularity of the concept of QoL and the demand to apply methodologies which are in development, and to the competing perspectives on QoL across disciplines, The outline of ethical issues across the range of concerns of the QoL researcher illustrates that ethical practice requires active consideration at every stage of the research process.

Note: Article HM Mcgee, Royal Coll Surgeons Ireland, Dept Psychol, Mercer St, Dublin 2, Ireland


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