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December 2024

Interaction contrasts in repeated measures designs

Author(s): Keselman, H. J.

Journal/Book: Brit J Math Statist Psychol. 1996; 49: St Andrews House, 48, Princess Rd, East, Leicester, Leics, England LE1 7DR. British Psychological Soc. 147-162.

Abstract: Specific information concerning the nature of interaction effects in factorial designs may be obtained through the use of tetrad contrasts. Empirical familywise Type I error rates and power rates associated with 10 procedures for conducting tetrad contrasts in groups-by-trials repeated measures designs were obtained when the assumptions of multisample sphericity and multivariate normality were not satisfied. Only three procedures provided acceptable control of familywise Type I error rates under the assumption violation conditions. These procedures relied on a test statistic formed using an estimate of the standard error of the contrast which was based on only that data used in defining the contrast, in combination with either a Studentized maximum modulus, Hochberg (1988) step-up Bonferroni, or Shaffer (1986) modified sequentially rejective Bonferroni critical value. Minimal power differences between these three procedures were observed.

Note: Article HJ Keselman, Univ Manitoba, Dept Psychol, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2, Canada


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