Affects, regulation of relationship, transference and countertransference |
Journal/Book: Z Psychosom Med Psychoanal. 1996; 42: Theaterstrasse 13, Postfach 77, W-37070 Gottingen, Germany. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 261-280.
Abstract: The following report tries to compile the results of several research projects of the Saarbrucken Research Group dealing with the exchange of affect within different types of relationships. Different conceptualisations of transference and countertransference as specific forms of creating relationships are described and the fundamental differences between successful psychotherapeutic relationships and empathetic every day relationships are worked out. Our investigations make it highly probable that transference is a very ubiquitious phenomenon to be found in nearly every relationship as a specific form of affective script. Different groups of structural disturbances can be distinguished by specific scripts, the related overt behavior varies in quantity and quality of the shown affect being the main differential marker. In the group of severe disturbances we find a tremendous reduction of affect with one remaining negative ''lead-affect'', the marker in the neurotic patients behavior is an excess of conflictuous affects. In the group of severe disturbances affect is attached to the self or to the relationship, in interactions with neurotic patients and healthy subject to the objects the dyad talks about. The difference between successful psychotherapeutic and every day relationships can be characterized by the fact that the therapist does not interactively react to the unconscious affective relationship offers made by the patient. Instead the therapist develops those affects the patient is unable to generate, although they would be urgently necessary for him to understand the conflictous structure of the situations he talks about.
Note: Article R Krause, Univ Saarland, Sozial & Umweltwissensch FB 6, Fachrichtung Psychol, Stadtwald, D-66123 Saarbrucken, Germany
Keyword(s): affect transference; countertransference; relationship; neurosis; structural; disturbances; SCHIZOPHRENIC-PATIENTS
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