Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

School placement of children with nonspecific developmental delays

Author(s): Coots, J. J., Bernheimer, L. P.

Journal/Book: J Early Intervention. 1996; 20: 1920 Association Dr, Reston, VA 22091-1589. Council Exceptional Children. 65-78.

Abstract: Eighty-seven children with developmental delays identified in the preschool years (CA 3-4) were followed through elementary school in order to document regular or special education placement, child characteristics associated with placement, and preschool characteristics associated with placement. More than 3/4 of the children were in special education programs through the primary grades, and over 1/2 remained in separate placements throughout their elementary school years. Regular and special education placed groups differed on cognitive, communication, and daily living scores assessed in preschool and at entrance to elementary school. Croups also differed in teachers' perceptions of competencies and problems gathered over the elementary school period. Differences among special education placed groups were limited primarily to cognitive and learning abilities rather than to social/behavioral characteristics.

Note: Article BK Keogh, Univ Calif Los Angeles, Sch Med, Dept Psychiat & Biobehav Sci, Ctr Hlth Sci, Neuropsychiat Inst, Los Angeles, CA 90024 USA


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