Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Effect of music training on monaural perception of pitch and rhythm

Author(s): Parker, S. P., Corbo, M. P., Stevens, K. M.

Journal/Book: Percept Mot Skills. 1996; 82: PO Box 9229, Missoula, MT 59807. Perceptual Motor Skills. 843-851.

Abstract: A monaural study of music perception was conducted on 77 right-handed subjects from a university population. The musical ability of each subject was classified in two ways, according to years of training and by total score for three tests of musical achievement [melody (sequence and excerpt), harmony, and rhythm]. Analysis indicated that subjects with more years of training showed a right-ear dominance for recognition of excerpts bur those with high scores had no such dominance. Both groups with either low scores or no formal training had a right-ear dominance for recognition of sequences. Correlations of scores from each ear within subjects and between tests indicated that perception of pitch tended to be more accurate in the same ear. For all classifications of subjects no ear dominance was found for harmony and rhythm rests. These results suggest that the measurement of hemispheric asymmetry of music perception is dependent upon the criteria chosen for classification of subjects, in this case, training and achievement.

Note: Article PA Huf, Deakin Univ, Dept Chem & Biol Sci, Geelong, Vic 3217, Australia


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