Projective counteridentification |
Journal/Book: Forum Psychoanal. 1996; 12: 175 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10010. Springer Verlag. 259-270.
Abstract: In this article, Grinberg presents his concept of projective counteridentification. He compares it with Racker's detailed concepts of countertransference, pointing out both common and distinct features. He then concludes, that the two processes coexist. The phenomenon occurs with strongly regressive - mostly psychotic - patients, whose alpha-function fails and who therefore mainly use the mechanism of projective identification to relieve psychological tension (Bion). Grinberg describes disturbances in the analytical interpretation caused by this phenomenon, which occur if the analyst does not consciously experience his counteridentification or uses defence mechanisms against it. However, Grinberg argues, that there is an enormous creative potential for the analysis, if the analyst's level of tolerance is sufficiently high to handle such a large degree of regression and to use it as a technical instrument in the analysis.
Note: Article L Grinberg, Paseo Bonanova 92, 3 5 A, E-08017 Barcelona, Spain
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