Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Intersubjectivity and intercorporality in group music therapy with psychiatric patients

Journal/Book: Nordisk Tidsskrift for Musikkterapi. 1996; 5: 13-23.

Abstract: The author discusses how the concept of intercorporality or interbodilyness can be applied to group music therapy as an extension of of the concept of intersubjectivity. The two concepts are interpreted from the integrative therapy point of wiew (a german school of psychotherapy). An overwiew of central themes in group music therapy is given, e.g. different functions of the music, phase development, methods of assessment and evaluation. Music therapy may contribute to general theory of group therapy by facilitating the forming of group cohesiveness, group interaction, individuation, group-organization, self-organization and presence in the here-and-now. Distinct methatheories are needed in music therapy. The relation between music and body is very close. Without a body perspective the perhaps most important base of theory and practice in music therapy is lost.

Note: Ruth Eckhoff er musikkterapeut ved Kongsskogen videregående skole i Oslo, og arbeider med voksne psykiatriske pasienter. Dessuten underviser hun i metodikk og praksis ved musikkterapistudiet, Norges Musikkhøgskole. Hun har utdanningsbakgrunn i Integrativ terapi og har publisert flere artikler og essays om dette fagområdet. Denne artikkelen bygger på et essay til musikk/musikkterapi hovedfag ved Universitetet i Oslo (1995). Adr.: Smålensgt. 8c, 0657 Oslo, Norge. Tlf.: (+ 47) 22 68 53 68.

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