The treatment program for children with hyperkinetic disorders and oppositional behavior - Treatment modalities and a case study |
,Journal/Book: Z Kinder Jugendpsychiat Psych. 1996; 24: Langgass-Strasse 76, CH-3000 Bern 9, Switzerland. Verlag Hans Huber. 145-163.
Abstract: After a review of the research on the effectiveness of the different treatment modalities used in multimodal treatment of children with hyperkinetic disorders, a decision tree is described for planning multimodal treatment for school-aged children. Differences in treating preschool children are discussed. A mulitmodal treatment program for children with hyperkinetic and oppositional behavior problems is then described. It can be used for children aged 3 to 12 years old. The program has two parts, the parent-child program and the teacher-child program. The program contains intervention units that can be combined as necessary depending on the individual problem configuration. A case study is presented to illustrate the effects of this program in combination with stimulant medication.
Note: Article M Dopfner, Univ Cologne, Klin & Poliklin Psychiat, & Psychotherapie Kindes, Robert Koch Str 10, D-50531 Cologne, Germany
Keyword(s): hyperkinetic disorders; multimodal treatment; behavior therapy; pharmacotherapy; single subject analysis; ATTENTION-DEFICIT DISORDER; HYPERACTIVE-CHILDREN; STIMULANT MEDICATION; FOLLOW-UP; METHYLPHENIDATE; THERAPY; INTERVENTIONS
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