Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Weinberg's Rule versus facultative sex ratio: An impasse in need of Occam's Razor

Author(s): Mackey, W. C.

Journal/Book: Mankind Quart. 1996; 37: 1133 13TH St NW, #C-2, Washington, DC 20005. Inst Study Man. 187-201.

Abstract: The dynamics of the human sex ratio has two thematic interpretations. One interpretation is that the sperm essentially operate independently of each other, and gender determination at conception is approximated by a coin-flip analogy. This interpretation forms the basis of Weinberg's Rule. The second interpretation is that the woman's ecological situation biases her toward/away from androsperm or gynosperm, i.e. Sperm do not operate independently of each other at conception, (or differential mortality occurs as a function of gender during gestation). This interpretation forms the basis of the notion that the human sex ratio is facultative and is epitomized by the work of Trivers & Willard (1973). Data have been gathered by adherents to support both interpretations. The conundrum of potentially mutually exclusive explanations being simultaneously accepted is examined.

Note: Article Coney NS, Western Illinois Univ, Macomb,IL 61455 USA

Keyword(s): human sex ratio; Weinberg's Rule; facultative sex ratio; BIRTH; MANIPULATION; RANK

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