Performance on the Purdue Pegboard and Finger Tapping by schizophrenics after mellow and frenetic antecedent music |
,Journal/Book: Percept Mot Skills. 1996; 83: PO Box 9229, Missoula, MT 59807. Perceptual Motor Skills. 1161-1162.
Abstract: Effects of musical selections on motor performance have been inconsistent. Using a 3-factor within-subjects design [mellow music (4:4 time), frenetic music (2:8 time), and white noise conditions], each of 34 schizophrenic inpatients volunteered to perform the Purdue Pegboard and Finger Oscillation (Tapping) following 1-min. Counterbalanced presentations of three types of music. Both pegboard and tapping performance were higher after frenetic music but unaffected by mellow music.
Note: Article Chambliss C, Ursinus Coll, Dept Psychol, POB 1000, Collegeville,PA 19246 USA
Keyword(s): THERAPY
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