Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Audiovisual methods in the group: Considerations on transference and countertransference

Journal/Book: Gruppendynamik Z Angew Sozial. 1996; 27: Postfach 300 551, D-51334 Leverkusen 3, Germany. Leske Verlag Budrich GmbH. 371-380.

Abstract: The intrapsychic meaning of audiovisual methods is described by means of psychoanalytic introspection. It can be shown that the use of AV-media touches early layers of intrapsychic experiences: Paranoid vs. Narcissistic positions were worked through. A concept of ''mirroring'' in group processes is presented.

Note: Article Brosig B, Univ Giessen, Zentrum Psychosomat Med, Klin Psychosomat & Psychotherapie, Friedrichstr 33, D-35385 Giessen, GERMANY

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