Introduktion til Friedman's artikel |
Journal/Book: Nordic Journal of Music Therapy. 1996; 5:
Abstract: Introduction to Friedman's article Stanley M. Friedman's article was published in 1960 and unfortunately not reprinted in one of the most important modern source books on psychoanalytic music thinking: S. Feder et. al. (1990): Psychoanalytic explorations in Music. The article is still relevant, being one of the very few psychodynamic texts dealing with the musical material in details, thus establishing a dialogue with musicology as well as music therapy. Friedman's understanding of music is explicitely based upon Heinz Kohut's Observations on the Psychological Functions of Music (Journal of the American Psychoanalytical Ass. 1957; 5:389-407, reprinted in a Danish translation in This Journal, 1994 3(2), s 69-78), and of course on the psychoanalytic pioneer Ernst Kris' concept of art as a "regression in the service of the ego". Friedman's article is a psychodynamic investigation of "one aspect of the structure of music", namely compositional procedures like diminution, augmentation, inversions, reversals, stretto etc.. The musical procedures are interpreted as regressive, primary process transformations of musical percepts (i.e. themes): translocations, displacements, condensations, changes in size, multiplications, loss of figure-ground properties etc. The analogies between musical procedures and primary process transformation are demonstrated and discussed with examples from Western classical music, and Friedman also discusses the meaning of transformations in relation to musical creativity and greatness.
Note: Lars Ole Bonde født 1951 er cand.mag. i musikvidenskab og nordisk litteratur. 1981-87 adjunkt/lektor i Musikvidenskab, Aalborg Universitet Center. 1986-1992 musikproducer i Danmarks Radio. 1993-95 Koncert- og Operaproducent samt free lance forfatter. Siden 1991 tilknyttet Musikterapiuddannelsen ved Aalborg Universitet, fra 1995 som lektor. Underviser i teoretiske, musikteoretiske, musikpædagogiske og praktiske fag. Koordinator for forskeruddannelsen i Musikterapi. I gang med terapeutuddannelse i Guided Imagery and Music.
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