Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Drug addiction as a lifestyle - The use of a new scale to observe changes in sense of coherence

Author(s): Andersen, S., Brevik, J. I., Alveberg, P. O.

Journal/Book: Scand J Soc Welfare. 1996; 5: 35 Norre Sogade, PO Box 2148, DK-1016 Copenhagen, Denmark. Munksgaard Int Publ Ltd. 30-34.

Abstract: Drug addict rehabilitation programs receive a small proportion of the funds made available through the social welfare system. Emphasis has traditionally been placed on the pathological rather than the salutogenic elements of an addicted lifestyle. A new test of a person's sense of coherence in life (Antonovsky's 9-item Sense of Coherence scale) may be of interest in rehabilitation work with drug addicts, and in focusing more attention on this aspect of addiction treatment. Thirty drug addicts in treatment and rehabilitation and 10 former drug addicts were interviewed using the 9-item Sense of Coherence scale. The results obtained were compared to a well known test of distress, the 24-item Symptom Checklist. Drug addicts in treatment facilities had significantly lower mean scores on the 9-item Sense of Coherence scale (2.3) and higher scores on the 24-item Symptom Checklist (2.3) than both drug addicts in rehabilitatively oriented institutions (3.3 and 1.6) and the long-term rehabilitated non-using former drug addicts (4.2 and 1.5 respectively). The differences between the group in rehabilitation and the former drug addicts were also statistically significant. The levels of the two psychometric tests suggested a gradual movement towards normal values and an increased sense of meaning in life among the former drug addicts, contrary to findings by other researchers. The length of time before these tests return to normal values may exceed the observation period often used in follow-up at treatment facilities. Increased social welfare may follow if a disclosure of salutogenic possibilities in drug addicts is obtained. Further prospective research is, however, necessary to confirm our findings.

Note: Article JE Berg, Univ Oslo, Inst Gen Practice & Community Med, Dept Prevent Med, Box 1130 Blindern, N-0317 Oslo, Norway

Keyword(s): drug addiction; sense of coherence; rehabilitation; treatment outcome; Symptom Checklist; THERAPEUTIC-COMMUNITY; ABUSERS; DISORDERS

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