Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Spectrum analysis, aliasing, and the perception of musical tones

Author(s): Turner, A. C.

Journal/Book: Perception. 1996; 25: 207 Brondesbury Park, London, England NW2 5JN. Pion Ltd. 609-617.

Abstract: A signal-processing model is proposed in which the phenomenon of 'aliasing' is invoked to explain certain phenomena in the perception of musical tones, for which a really satisfactory explanation has not hitherto been available. It is shown that this model offers a reason why the harmonic series appears to play such a central role in tone and pitch perception, and can throw light on 'virtual pitch', 'harmonic beats', etc. Some preliminary results from a computer simulation of the model are described which are consistent with empirical data on tone perception.

Note: Article RM Adelson, Univ Lancaster, Dept Engn, Lancaster LA1 4YR, England

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