Therapiebegleitende Untersuchung immunologischer Parameter bei Tumor-Patienten nach hochdosierter intravenöser Applikation von VISCUM ALBUM L.-Extrakten |
Journal/Book: Z-Onkol 28 (2), 54-59. 1996;
Abstract: We have investigated 12 patients with progressive tumors and metastases,treated intravenously with high concentrations of Viscum album L.extracts. Here, no immunosuppressive side-effects or peripheral cellulardepletion were observed, but an increased number of juvenilegranulocytes and monocytes within one day after VAL application.Inflammatory side effects, changes of the cortisol serum concentrationor changes of the C-reactive protein were not observed. During one week,there were changes in the proportions of CD8+ subpopulations withsubsequent increase of CD25+ (activated) T cells. In patients withprogressive fall off in their general condition, we observed anincreased amount of HLA-DR+ T cells and CD28-CD8+ suppressor cells,while in patients which are in good health or with clinical improvementof their well-being, the HLA-DR expression was in the standard range andthe amount of CD28-CD8+ cells was <17%. Both ot these parameters seemsto be of prognostic relevance.
Keyword(s): Medical:cancer /drug therapy
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