Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Inhaltsstoffe und in-vitro-Zytotoxizität eines Extraktes aus VISCUM ALBUM L. ssp. COLORATUM (Koreanische Mistel)- Konsequenzen für die Standardisierung von Mistelpräparaten

Journal/Book: Z-ONKOL 28 (3), 77-81. 1996;

Abstract: Extracts made of fresh Korean mistletoe were investigated with regard totheir chemical-analytical as well as cytotoxic properties and comparedwith extracts of European mistletoe. The mistletoe was harvested inJanuary (host tree: oak). The extract was made from 100 mg plantmaterial per ml. Viscotoxins as well as lectins were found. Not so muchquantitative, but rather qualitative differences to extracts derivedfrom European mistletoe were remarkable. This could be pointed outlooking at viscotoxins as well as lectins. The recently preparedextracts didn't show any lectin activity when using the hemagglutinationtest. However, after 3 months storage in a refrigerator (8-10 degreeC)10 mug of total lectin per ml could be detected using the same testprocedure. Using the ELISA-test only 3.7 mug of total lectin per ml werefound containing about one tenth of ML 1. The lectin amount of extractsfrom European mistletoe (ABNOBAviscum(TM) Quercus) were in the samerange, but the dominating components are those of the ML I-group.Further investigations of Korean mistletoes concerning characterizationof the lectins and the viscotoxins should be done. Both extracts, thoseof Korean as well as European mistletoe showed a similar pattern whenperforming in-vitro-cytotoxicity using 6 human tumor xenografts (i.e.ovarian cancer, small cell and large cell lung carcinoma, colon, renaland melanoma xenografts). The mean IC-70 value of the 100 mg-extract ofKorean mistletoe was 1.2 mug/ml, that is nearly the same order ofmagnitude than obtained with extracts of European mistletoes grown onoaks. No correlation between total lectin amount and cytotoxicity couldbe found.

Keyword(s): Medical:cancer

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